KI Studios Photo Contest Winner - Porsche Cayman GT4.

The message went out to our email list. The cover photo you see above is our 2017 Photo Contest winner.

When this contest started we received a pretty substantial number of photos. Some of these photos were outstanding. We started using some of the photos we liked… For example, when we sent out the contest follow up email just a few weeks ago. That email went out with this very same photo. Little did we know this would also be the contest winner.

At that time we knew there would have many more photos come in. We didn’t think too much about a winner at the time. Fast forward a couple more weeks and we’re all pouring over dozens of photos trying to pick out the winner.

See the initial 2017 Photo Contest Announcement.

The photo is of the Porsche 981 Cayman GT4 with the yellow GT4 Stripe Kit 005. This photo might be the feature, but keen eye would have notice the owner sent us various photos of the car. We have been sharing them across our social media channels.

When we were all busy debating and carefully examining all the photos we received we continued to come back to this photo again and again. We concluded it was the winner, no question. We were looking for a balanced photo, with a good car and showcase of the stripe kit. The photo is of professional quality, well-composed and the colors are very well balanced. It’s the type of photo you can look over an extended period of time and not be bored.

We’ve contacted the owner of the car and the photo in order to get the printed canvas to him.

Below are a few of our other favorites.

There can only be one winner. However, below are other photos that really stood out. We received countless submissions. A big thank you goes out to everyone who participated.

Cayman GT4 at Auto Club Speedway

McLaren 570S Striped

GT3 with Scuderia Stripes

Close Up 911 GT3 Stripes

You are bound to see more of the photos submitted on our Instagram page.